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Troublesome Verbs Part IV

16. rain - reign - rein

rain - to pour. Sample Sentence: At the press conference, the society editors rained praises on the star and the choreographer of the rock opera.

reign - to rule. Sample Sentence: In the world of fashion, French couturiers reign supreme.

rein - to check, to control. Sample Sentence: The expert rider reined in his horse before it could fall into an animal trap.

17. bare - bear

bare - to expose. Sample Sentence: After the victims were freed, they bared the facts of the case.

bear - to endure. Sample Sentence: Parents bear the brunt when their child fails.

18. cite - sight

cite - to quote. Sample Sentence: To gain support, the candidate cited excerpts from endorsements.

sight - to see. Sample Sentence: After years of patient watching, the scientist sighted the new planet.

19. shone - shown

shone - is the past tense of shine. Sample Sentence: Last night the stars shone brightly and clearly.

shown - is the past participle of show. Sample Sentence: If you had shown a little more patience, you would have been dismissed.

20. grow - develop

grow - to increase in size. Sample Sentence: Money grows in the bank.

develop - to unfold, to evolve. Sample Sentence: An idea develops in a composition.


grammar, 14-03-23 20:37, 14-03-23 20:37, Marz

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