Learning English to be..

Troublesome Verbs Part II

6. learn - teach

learn - to acquire knowledge. Sample Sentence: Children learn the rudiments of public relation at home.

teach - to give instruction. Sample Sentence: He teaches his friends in speaking English.

7. lie - lay

lie - to recline, intransitive verb. Sample Sentence: Take it easy; lie down for a few minutes.

lay - to put, to place, transitive verb. Sample Sentence: She laid the baby in his crib for a nap.

8. may - can

may - to give permission, to indicate possibility. Sample Sentence: You may come in now.

can - is used to indicate power or ability, to give permission. Sample Sentences: a.) Can you lift this weight? b.) You can leave the room now.

9. precede - proceed

precede - to go before. Sample Sentence: In a fine dining. the appetizer preceded the main course.

proceed - to go forward, to push through. Sample Sentence: The youngsters proceeded with their plans in spite of strong opposition.

10. rise - raise

rise - to go up, intransitive verb. Sample Sentence: Air rises when heated.

raise - to lift up, transitive verb. Sample Sentence: You raise your voice when you are angry.


grammar, 14-03-23 14:25, 14-03-23 14:25, Marz

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