Learning English to be..

Fresh wasabi from Izu! See what wasabi looks like before it's turned to paste!

What is this rough like, bumpy, green root crop like that Chika is showing? It's a fresh wasabi! But what is wasabi in English? Does it have English translation or only English definition?


"I'm gonna show you guys something and you guess what is it... can you guess?... This is wasabi!"
"In the store, it was run by a family and they were all like cutting off these big and see how is it so bumpy coz they take off the big ones to make them little look prettier..."
At the store, there is a bunch of wasabi products."
"Wasabi flakes that you put on the rice."
"Marinated wasabi I should say and they're looking for a wasabi marinated in soy sauce."
Noun. A Japanese plant with a thick green root that tastes like strong horseradish and is used in cooking, especially in powder or paste form as an accompaniment to raw fish
Adjective. of uneven surface; full of bumps
Noun. a thing produced by labor
Noun. a small, flat, thin piece, especially one that has been or become detached from a larger piece or mass
Verb. to steep (food) in a marinade

About the page

We are Chika's Japanagos Channel enthusiasts. Through her wonderful and informative videos we learn English language and the Japanese unique culture. Chika's silent strength and prowess in presenting interesting topics capture us to follow her channel in Youtube. We picked up three significant sentences and five unfamiliar words from the video for you to ponder. So, let's learn English and Japanese culture together!

japanagos, 14-08-11 14:43, 14-08-13 12:18, Marz

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