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3.11 Great East Japan Earthquake: What you can do to help?

It is not always a joyful video and this one talks about a serious matter and how we must never forget what happened to the people of the Tohoku area who are still trying to recover from the Great East Japan Earthquake.


“As you can see I’ve been leading a very normal life.”
“I was barely affected by the earthquake I mean I was here for it I was in Tokyo.”
“Not because it’s not happening around doesn’t mean that is not happening elsewhere and it is unfortunately that it takes it being march 11th for us to be reminded of it.”
“For each person that searches the key word 3.11 Yahoo Japan is donating 10 Yen to the relief efforts of the Great East Japan earthquake.”
“It’s one thing to take a moment of silence and recognize within your heart what’s going on and to give your condolences to those people who are suffering.”
adjective or noun. In this case, it is a noun. The act of leading something
adverb. Almost not, no more than, only just
Adverb. In this case, lamentable and sad
noun. In this case - alleviation, ease
noun. Expression of sympathy to someone’s grief

About the page

We are Chika's Japanagos Channel enthusiasts. Through her wonderful and informative videos we learn English language and the Japanese unique culture. Chika's silent strength and prowess in presenting interesting topics capture us to follow her channel in Youtube. We picked up three significant sentences and five unfamiliar words from the video for you to ponder. So, let's learn English and Japanese culture together!

japanagos, 14-04-03 17:17, 14-04-04 18:41, Yosei

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