Learning English to be..

Not your average egg pudding!

Why did Chika put some pudding inside an egg? There are some really unique sweets in Japan but seeing one that comes inside an egg? Have to watch it and find out if it is tasty or not.


I am at a friend’s house right now so you may hear some dogs barking but I got a gift for my friend from Tokyo station.
And you’ll notice that when you get to Japan you’ll find crazy sweets everywhere.
Snacks that you’ll never see in the states or probably anywhere else in the world.
If you’re at the Tokyo station and you want some cool treats I recommend these eggs.
Because of this omiyage culture, Japanese department stores and confectionery stores are constantly coming up with new, deliciously exciting products!
verb. Harsh sound emitted by dogs
noun. In this case, an observation, perception
adverb. In all likelihood; very likely
can be a verb or a noun. In this case it is a verb and it means entertainment, food, drink etc. given by way of compliment, in a way of expressing some level of affection
verb. Something that excites arouses, stir up, awaken
noun. sweets or sweet food

About the page

We are Chika's Japanagos Channel enthusiasts. Through her wonderful and informative videos we learn English language and the Japanese unique culture. Chika's silent strength and prowess in presenting interesting topics capture us to follow her channel in Youtube. We picked up three significant sentences and five unfamiliar words from the video for you to ponder. So, let's learn English and Japanese culture together!

japanagos, 14-04-02 17:44, 14-04-03 15:50, Marz

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