Learning English to be..

Subject-Verb Agreement Rule 8

A collective noun requires a singular verb when the group is regarded as one unit, a plural verb when the individuals in the group act separately.


A. The committee have been unable to decide on what project to make first. (separate action)
B. The committee was commended by the president. (united action)

Note: CN (Collective Noun) = one unit ----> SV (Singular Verb) whereas, CN (Collective Noun) = separate unit ----> PV (Plural Verb)

Exercise 08

1. The choir (sings, sing) the songs enthusiastically. (one unit)
2. The crew (was, were) busy working in their tasks.
3. The committee, locked in their room, (is, are) busy preparing the program.
4. The group (is, are) very noisy talking about their experiences.
5. The team (does, do) a great job.


grammar, 14-05-07 17:16, 14-05-07 19:56, Marz

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What is the clue in the example A?
18-09-12 12:47,