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Subject-Verb Agreement Rule 9

The verb agrees with its subject, not with its predicate noun.


A. Ricardo's chief interest is rocks and minerals.
B. Their hobby is writing and collecting antiques.

Note: In the example above, A , the subject is "Ricardo's chief interest" which is singular. Now, where is the predicate noun in that sentence? The predicate noun is "rocks and minerals" which denotes a plural noun however, one should not be confused because it is clearly stated that the verb agrees with its subject.On the other hand, B , the subject is "Their hobby" which is singular so we take the singular verb "is".

Exercise 09

1. Ria (likes, like) acting and singing.
2. Their interests (is, are) traveling to different places, cooking local dishes and taking photographs.
3. My ambition (is, are) to be a lawyer and a writer.
4. The children's favorite (is, are) sandwich and pizza.
5. My friend's pastime (is, are) daydreaming and singing.


14-05-07 17:41, 14-05-07 19:55, Marz

subject verb agreement
17-08-26 12:14, jan carlo