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My unique way of #Presenting Japan

What makes Japan, Japan? Chika's undeniable patriotism to her country paves her to create Youtube videos about her country's amazing places, wonderful culture and unique language. How did Chika present her country to the whole world? It's all here.


"Thank you guys so much for all of your lovely comments on my engagement announcement video. It was so heartwarming to see all of your supports and my fiance was so honoured to see so many comments asking him to be in future videos. He's a little bit shy so, I'm trying to convince him to start a series with me but we'll see when that happens."
"Today, I want to share with you a video that I made for an upcoming event in London called presenting Japan. They will be playing this video at the event if any of you are in London or are going to be in London this weekend or next week. Be sure to stop by and see all of the festivities. Though have lots of exhibits and workshops where you can experience the Japanese culture and they will welcome you with Omotinashi--"Japanese hospitality", so such a great fun."
"Hello everyone! My name is Chika Yoshida and I am a video creator from Youtube."
"I make videos about language, culture and travel that I upload to Youtube for my friends all around the world to see."
"I'm not a guide book that tells you all the must sees and must go tos but just a friend that wants you to see the things that I was moved by. But it's not just about me and what I have to share. At the end of my videos, I always asked my viewers 'How are things were here from?' Because to me presenting Japan is all about building relationships, it's about telling someone about yourself but also discovering their culture and recognizing the differences and similarities where we may connect, where we may be able to learn from. That's what makes it personal."
"At a glance, both of my channels are about language, culture and travel but at the core, is about connecting people, encouraging challenges, and appreciating cultures. And that's my unique way of presenting Japan."
Noun. An agreement to be married: the act of becoming of becoming engaged or the state of being engaged to be married
Noun. Celebration and enjoyment
Noun. A person who makes something new
Adjective. Used to describe someone whose job involves working for or helping a particular person
Verb. To make someone more determined, hopeful or confident


15-12-23 21:58, 15-12-27 18:07, Marz